Most businesses appreciate the importance of Google Ads and how beneficial they can be for online marketing. It has become one of the cornerstones for many digital marketing campaigns, but so often many Google Ads campaigns have not optimised to target the customers that the business is trying to attract. This typically results in lost opportunities, reduced interactions and higher costs per click.
For businesses that are still unsure, Google Ads is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising service that can potentially provide one of the highest targeted audience interaction and results possible, when optimised and configured correctly. It targets Google searchers directly whenever they perform a search using the Google search engine.
By configuring an optimised Google Ads campaign will typically reduce Cost-per-Acquisitions, increase ads positions, deliver targeted traffic and increase conversions to your website. This is possible by understanding your target customer and configuring Google Ads with the correct parameters to capitalise and advertise to your target audience. Google Ads also allows for faster results than alternative options like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), which generally takes up to 3 months to gain ranking results. It makes for a great start for an Online Marketing Campaign and allows for a website to begin getting results while an SEO Campaign is ramping up.
As a business that specialises in managing Google Ads campaigns, we are in the constantly improving and optimising our customers Google Ads campaigns, and have developed many skills and techniques to manage a campaign that harvests results for our customers. Along the way we have also identified what reports offer the best value for campaign optimisation.
This is a breakdown of what we consider to be the best reports that Google Ads has available and we have even added the benefits it could have for your campaign.
1. Search term report
Search term reports, both on your account breakdown, as well as broad and phrase reports, are an essential Google Ads report.
A) Search term reports – Account breakdown
By analysing your account breakdown, it can assist in better understanding your campaign performance trends for the top queries over a period of time. Allowing you to track your most searched terms and determine how they are performing, while also promoting new concepts around account structure, ad copy, and keywords.
B) Search term reports – Broad and phrase reports
After you figuring out what is working for you, search term analysis on broad and phrase match types can allow you to see what others are doing and what is working for them. Tracking your search terms over a period of time will make sure that remain informed of search terms that are beginning to rise in popularity. Allowing for the quick identifing of poor performing search terms.
2. Geographic report
Google Ad campaign performance can and will change depending on the location. Geographic reports allows for the analysis of the search volume, competition, and user intent variation by region. This report is handy for setting geo bid modifiers for your campaign and allows for a more targeted campaign.
3. Demographic performance
Understanding your target demographic assists in how best to market to them. This report is designed to give you the information to view the performance data for websites by their target demographic.
4. Device report
Our current times demand that content is designed for meet the specifications of particular devices. The ability to know which of your audience uses what devices most, will allow for tweaking of your content to guarantee it presents perfectly for that device. It is also possible to look at impression share by device to gauge if there are low impression shares on particular devices. It is also great for analysing click type by device. Generally if you are not seeing a variety of click types on mobile devices, you should investigate the status of your ad extensions. If your Ads are approved, but then are not performing optimally, try adding site links with a mobile device preference.
5. Ad schedule report
Ad schedule reports assist to learn which are the best days and even what are the best hours to run your Ads. User’s and your competition’s behaviour tends to vary at depending on the time of the week and even based on events in your target areas. This is a helpful report to allow you to identify what the cost per click and position your competitors have in place and that in turn can demonstrate how your competitors Ads fluctuates. Even data like session duration or conversion rates are great indicators that can show intent. Based on that, you can fine tune ad schedules or even set bid multipliers where appropriate.
Web Design Davao are able to help most businesses with their Google Adwords management to ensure maximum return on your marketing investment. You and your target audience will have the best possible chance of locating each other on the Google network. We develop and optimise our customers Adwords campaigns to maximise ad positions and minimise cost-per-acquisitions.
Web Design Davao, your PPC Agency in Davao, the Philippines, encourages our readers to contact us for a discussion on how we can help you with your Google Ads campaign. Get in touch with our team today to discuss how we can work together and start increasing your AdWords results.